Tri-County Baptist Church

A Word From Our Pastor

Dear Friend,

I want to thank you for taking the time to read this brochure.

Tri-County Baptist Church is an old-fashioned church in a new, modern building that has a desire:

  • to lead the lost to Christ,
  • to be a blessing to the saved
  • and to encourage anyone who attends.

We are an independent, fundamental, Baptist church in the greater Milwaukee area of Franklin. We offer solid Biblical preaching and teaching from the King James Version of the Bible, conservative God-honoring music featuring traditional hymns, and a heart for God and people.

We would love to have you visit with us. Tri-County Baptist Church is a place where the whole family can come and worship the Lord in spirit and truth.

I personally invite you to our services where you will receive a friendly handshake and a warm welcome from our people.

Pastor Clayton L. Jones
Preaching, teaching and pastoring in the Milwaukee area for 44 years.